For the case of fitness and good health
Alexander Krmzyan Alexander Krmzyan

For the case of fitness and good health

What is “fitness” and what is “good health”? Surely there are structures associated with these terms but they cannot be all social constructs, can they? Click to read further.

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That health is objective and attainable
Alexander Krmzyan Alexander Krmzyan

That health is objective and attainable

Is “health” something termed by whatever our will? Or is there some kind of consensus on what it is not? A link is embedded in this text for further reading.

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That a man should be strong
Alexander Krmzyan Alexander Krmzyan

That a man should be strong

What makes the case that men, specifically, should focus on being strong? What separates him from his fairer sex? Moreover, what is unique of him that cultivating strength is and should be seen as something good? Read more by clicking on the title.

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